November 3, 2013
Konica Minolta Joins “Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition”
Konica Minolta Joins “Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition” - Building on Commitment to Become a Company Supported by and Worthy of Trust of Society -
Tokyo (November 13, 2013) - Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) is pleased to announce that the company has joined the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) to work with the global supply chain through common code of conduct.
The EICC is a coalition of about 90 leading global electronics companies working together to improve efficiency and social, ethical and environmental responsibility in the global supply chain. EICC members adopt the EICC Code of Conduct as operating principles for their companies and suppliers. The EICC provides tools to assess operations and determine conformance to the Code, as well as Code-related capability building tools for members to use in their own facilities and with their suppliers.
Konica Minolta's vision is to become a robust company that is capable of strong growth and worthy of the trust of society. As a stable, sustainable corporation, Konica Minolta is expected to create value for both society and itself by delivering solutions to social challenges and enhancing corporate performance. Responding to social demand throughout the company's business activities plays an important role in the management.
As social demand heightens globally for rolling out socially responsible procurement, Konica Minolta values the opportunity to collaborate with the world's leading companies in the industry, enhance its quality in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) management and communicate with the global stakeholders in accordance with the EICC's well-organized and focused Code of Conduct.
Konica Minolta views the suppliers that provide its raw materials and parts as well as those to whom it outsourcing manufacturing as “essential partners in its business activities.” The Konica Minolta Group strives to build strong partnerships with these business partners, based on fair and transparent transactions, with a commitment to the shared goal of providing superior products and services in a timely manner to customers all over the world. Recognizing that it is essential to promote CSR not just within its own operations but also across its entire supply chain, Konica Minolta requires its business partners to give consideration to human rights, labor issues, and the environment in their business operations and make CSR a more integral part of their management.
With the membership to the EICC, Konica Minolta will enhance its performance and transparency in conducting CSR activities by utilizing EICC's various tools that meet changing social demands and requirements.
Under the communication message “Giving Shape to Ideas,” Konica Minolta will build on its commitment to work as leading innovation company and responsible global citizen.
About Konica Minolta Business Solutions (M) Sdn. Bhd
Established in 1981, Konica Minolta Business Solutions celebrates its 44th year in business with a network of 12 branches throughout Malaysia to support its growing customer base. Drawing from the rich history of Konica Minolta which dates back to 1873; they are always evolving, and continue to provide innovative solutions to make the ‘Workplace of the Future’ a reality. The Company is committed to digitally transforming businesses with the goal of helping them save time and improve productivity. From information management to technology-enabling tools; Konica Minolta Business Solutions offer a suite of services and hardware so businesses can access information at a faster pace, support mobility and optimise business processes with workflow automation. They also offer digital manufacturing solutions, state-of-the-art technology and continue to grow their organic print business covering office printing, production and industrial printing. Konica Minolta, Inc. has also been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for nine years in a row. For more information, please visit and follow KonicaMinoltaMY on Facebook and Linkedin
Press contact:
Marketing Department
Konica Minolta Business Solutions (M) Sdn. Bhd.
Phone: 603-7891 0300